Is Therapy For Me?

Oct 9

Personally, I think therapy is something that is useful for anyone and everyone. However, with that being said, the people who start therapy, are best to start when they are ready to tackle and face their emotions and the potential causes of their emotions. Therapy is not a place that just fixes all problems, therapy takes some effort in between sessions to feel better, and the therapist will give you tools to help in between. You are not required to feel motivated and ready in order to start, but it will help further your goals. Therapy can feel daunting and scary, but rewarding, enlightening, calmining, and hopeful. You have control over the process and you won’t get in trouble for not doing something or feeling ready for every question. The therapist is there to guide you, help you feel comfortable, and ultimately and most importantly help you feel better than you have been feeling. You might be thinking, but on the outside, I am successful, I have a job, I might have a family, I have friends, why can’t I figure it out? It’s okay, therapists are not there to judge, we can help you figure out the root cause, and help you overcome your negative feelings.

Questions to ask yourself:

-Am I suffering?

-Am I worried about things that havent happened yet?

-Do I think over and over about events, moments, or interactions that have already happened?

-Do I have trouble sleeping?

-Am I afraid of a lot of things?

-Do I worry all the time?

-Does my body clench up? Ache? Feel tired?

-Am I mentally exhausted?

-Do I feel like a burden?

-Am I being unkind to myself?

-Do I think about hurting myself? (Not the same thing as suicide)

-Do I just want to feel better?

-Have I thought about suicide?

-Am I irritable?

-Am I angry?

-Do I not feel healthy?

-Am I thinking about therapy?

-Have I experienced a loss? That doesn’t just mean death, but can mean a big life shift and or change.

-Have I been the victim of a crime?

-Am I unhappy in my relaitonship?

-Is parenting feeling hard and overwhelming for me?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions above, it might be a good time to give therapy a try. Many of these thoughts and feelings are common, but if you are noticing them often, severely, and if it is keeping you from feeling good in your life, then therapy is definitely recommended.

If therapy is something you have decided you want to try, send us an email! We get back to people within 24 hours, and we would be happy to work with you if we have an opening. You deserve to feel better and live the life you want.