How to Take a Mental Health Day
First things first…DON’T FEEL GUILTY
We are all human. We all have feelings, we all go through things, we all need rest and recooperation.
Our lives are hectic. You might be a busy mom managing a home with children, you might be a busy executive just trying to keep your head above water, you might simply be someone trying to figure out their career because they are in a job that drains them and makes them feel tired. You might also be someone going through a tough time with family or friends and just simply needs a day to themselves. Guess what, THAT IS OKAY!
We are conditioned to feel like we constantly need to produce, to be busy, to be active, to be social, to be, to be, to be…the list can go on and on.
First step, Don’t feel guilty. You need this and will be better for it.
Second step, figure out what will bring you peace, joy, laughter, and that ahh moment. Please know that taking a day off for you does not mean you need to stay holed up in your house. Get outside, go to a park, go on a hike, spend some time by a stream, river, ocean, or waterfall-those give off negatively charged ions which are great for a recharge.
Fourth step, it’s okay if you don’t want to do anything and just rest, rest, rest. Have yourself a hot bath, eat a yummy meal, read that book you’ve been meaning to for months. Do whatever will make your heart and body feel good. This is not a day for running errands, or going to that doctor’s appointment. This is for you and what you need to feel good.
Please know, you are not alone in your feelings. If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, sad, tired, drained, little energy, then take a day. Allow yourself to look forward to that day, or few days or week. Whatever you need.
I am giving you permission to take a mental health day. You got this!