A Mindfulness Exercise You Can Do Anywhere

Try it.

Take in a breath.

Feel all the points where your body is making contact with whatever you are sitting on.

Notice the temperature of the air as you take your next breath in and then let it out.

Get still for a moment and start to pay attention to the sounds of the people or anything around you in the room.

Get still for a moment and start to pay attention to the sounds of the people or anything around you in the room.

Notice how you feel in your body. Is any part of your body relaxed or tense?

Now take a breath in and let a long one out. (Breathing a little longer out of your body helps to calm the nervous system)

This simple awareness of yourself in the room is enough to shift your mind from a state of distraction to clarity in the moment.

The idea is not to stop thinking (we can’t stop thinking) but to pause and notice where you are and how you feel.

Awareness helps increase mental flexbility which is really good for combatting and moving through stress.

We all get stressed. We all have hard times, but sometimes we just have to remember that right now, in this moment we are safe and okay.

Mindfulness is all about being in the present. When you notice your mind worrying about the future or stressing about something that happened in the past-you are not being present. Being present can help you reset. It is simply asking “What is happening right now?” You can do it…it just takes practice!


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